Favorite Friday #1

Midnight Book Blog recently started with these Favorite Friday posts and they are a lot of fun to read, so I wanted to give it a try myself. This week’s prompt is favorite genre.

This is a question I get asked a lot and still I don’t have an answer ready. Or, well, the answers is complicated and dependent on quite some parameters. So first, I turned to my GoodReads profile and over there I wrote:

Favorite Books

Basically anything. Currently mainly SF and Fantasy with some classics on the side. And time-travel and anything British.

UrlPhantomhive on GoodReads

This is not really useful in order to choose a single genre. However, it does very nicely fit my reading preferences at the moment. It used to be very straightforward. When I was in High School, crime was what I read. Especially Scandinavian and British crime, I read one after the other. My reading lists from round about 2009 will be the prove of that.

After that I went fully for the Dystopian genre. This was in no little bit spurned on by The Hunger Games and Brave New World and it caused me to look into anything which would be labeled Dystopian. I enjoyed it a lot for a time, but near the end, I started to notice I just wasn’t feeling the same enthusiasm anymore. I still read some of them from time to time, but I am more hesitant to start them.

It was around the time I became active in the reviewing that I was broadening my reading a bit, and I settled into the speculative fiction. I can read both hardcore science fiction and fantastical fantasy, but that is only a fraction of the books I read in these genres. I like original ideas best, so anything that can surprise me, especially in crowded genres which have so many books coming out every single month. I found I particularly like books with time travel, so that is something I am particularly seeking out at the moment (recommendations more than welcome!)

Many different genres on my shelves also.

Recently I have been adding both classics and contemporary/literary novels as well. I have enjoyed the classics project I did a lot and I feel there is still so much out there to discover for me! I have been reading some Pulitzer prize winners as well as other books, and this is a rather new genre for me but I am enjoying it a lot.

The one genre I never liked used to be romance – but even there I have recently read a couple of books which were/could very well be classified as romance. So in the end I might end up reading and enjoying all genres.

By which I realize this was hardly an answer to the question – the quote from earlier turns out to be rather accurate. I do apologize.

TLDR – my preference are very broad and I have failed to find a single genre that is my favorite. So far, not a great start to this meme for me 😅

I am returning the question – what is your favorite genre?

9 thoughts on “Favorite Friday #1

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  1. Interesting question – and answer. My TL;DR version is still mysteries: vintage, golden age and cozy. But I could easily expand on that as my horizons have certainly stretched since I joined BookLikes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My horizons have definitely stretched as well – it is just so contagious to see people enthusiast about something that I will want to pick it up and read it.

      At the same time I think it is also nice to be a bit more focused, so one will be a bit more on top of their favorite genre. Since I basically read a bit of everything it is impossible to get to all the books that would be interesting to read…


    1. Thank you for persisting ;)! And for making the Favorite Friday. I like these prompts which are a bit more broad and allow everyone to make it their own. Looking forward already to the next one!


  2. Great reflection! It’s interesting to see how our preferences evolve over the years, right? I used to be really into the dystopian books, but then romance also became a prominent go-to genre in my early/mid-20s. Now when I think about what I read, it’s mostly YA fantasy and contemporary romance/fiction, although I don’t usually limit myself because I’m a mood reader and that plays a big role in what I end up reading!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you and yes absolutely! I feel like I am becoming something more of a mood reader myself – but then I realize that I have always been horrible at reading a particular TBR I set myself, so maybe it is not so new after all 😂


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