The Hanging Tree

GoodReads ★★★★ One of the things I really worry too much about when it comes to books is their height. I want my series to fit together and have on occasions taken a ruler into the bookstore to make sure I bought the right one. It completely beats me why there are so many different... Continue Reading →

Detective Stories

GoodReads ★★★★ The Rivers of London/Peter Grant is one of my favorite ongoing series and one of the things I like about it is the many different ways the stories are being told (novels, shorts, comics and there is also a free audio-exclusive). Also, it is British.Detective stories includes four short stories of Peter's Falcon... Continue Reading →

The Atheist’s Mass

GoodReads ★★ These two short stories serve as my introduction into the literary legacy of Honoré de Balzac, and frankly, it's probably going to stay at that. While both stories were crafted okay, and had a messages of loyalty, I found them rather dull to be honest. It may very well be the translation, I... Continue Reading →

My Dearest Father

GoodReads ★★★ I was looking for a book with a music theme for a monthly challenge and this was the first that came to mind so I skipped a couple of books ahead in the Little Black Classics series to this entry by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, although I think his father wrote at least half... Continue Reading →

The Battersea Barricades

GoodReads ★★★ Having only just finished An Argumentation of Historians (the ninth book in the series), this short story was already published two weeks later. And it was completely not what I expected.It is different from the rest in A) there is no 'investigating major/minor historical events in contemporary time' and B) the usual main... Continue Reading →

An Argumentation Of Historians

GoodReads ★★★★ Collective noun for historians: an argumentation.One of the consequences of having a Mt. TBR that is just short of keeping me awake at night (both literally and figuratively speaking) is that there are few times I'm really waiting for a book to be published, because I have at least twenty (or a hundred)... Continue Reading →

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