Bookish CV


A 27yo PhD researcher with a master’s in Biomedical Sciences.

During the day I help fight Cystic Fibrosis, at night I am an avid reader, movie & theater goer.

Originally from The Netherlands,
but living in Belgium for the past decade.

An active member of the GoodReads, LibraryThing, BookLikes and Netgalley community.

Definitely feminist.

I started reading first in Dutch and later also in English.

Gradually I have switched from Dutch to English.

I like to think I read rather a lot, especially over the last five years. My top year was 2016 when I completed the one-book-a-day challenge (366).
If I keep up my pace for the rest of the year I hope to read +/- 260 books.

I mainly read during the evenings and weekends to unwind and also when traveling. While I mainly read electronic books, I still love to read dead tree books on actual paper. Sometimes I add an audiobook as well.

Depending on the book I read on average between 60 (EN) and 120 (NL) pages per hour.

Reviewing via Netgalley since 2014. I have discovered some of my favorite books using the platform. As of July 2019, I have reviewed 685 titles.

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