
As a scientist I am really into data. So, it was hardly surprising that I would start looking to collect data from the books I have been reading and adding to my shelf over the last couple of years. I still have some old records going back as far as 2009, but I usually start from 2011 when I joined GoodReads.

Over time, here you will find a summary of the data I obtained from these analyses, supplemented with some fun statistics that LibraryThing provides.

2019 quick stats

Books: 213
Pages: 52.063
ARC: 64%
ROOT: 69%
Rating: **.96

A Bookish Decade

Since 2019 marked the end of a decade (for most of which I had been keeping track of my books), I wanted to take a look to what these data could tell me, in particular with regard to changes. In 2010 I was still in high school and now I am nearing the end of my PhD, I joined Netgalley in 2014 and got my first Kobo eReader that year. Since 2015 I have been making regular trips to London bookstores where the choice of English books is far superior to what I get at home. How do these and others reflect on my books?

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